
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:乐悠悠7788 更新时间:2014-04-20
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[摘要] 苏轼在宋代词史上有着举足轻重的地位,他对咏物词的影响也是巨大的。苏轼“以诗为词”,无意不可入,无事不可言,咏物词是他对词革新的具体体现。本文具体阐述了苏词咏物词的内容及其独特的艺术特点和艺术风格,力图揭示其对传统咏物文学继承与超越,探讨其咏物词所包含的文化内涵与美学追求,分析东坡咏物词在词史上的地位及影响。

[关键词]   苏轼; 咏物词;  艺术特点和艺术风格


[Abstract]  Sushi plays a vital role in the field of Songci, meanwhile,his chanting word also has a big effect on the development of Songci. Because of Sushi ,chanting word has a new performance, he took the poet as Ci , it can show everything ,it can describe everone.To some extent.,the chanting word is a kind of specifis performance in his innovation for songci. This article describes Sushi changting word content in detail,and also focus on its unique artistic feature and style,trying to reveal its inheritance and transcendence for the traditional chanting literary.explore its Cultural connotation and aesthetic pursuit.thus ,analyse its status and influence on the history of Songci.

[Key words]  Sushi  chanting word  unique artistic feature and style

上传会员 乐悠悠7788 对本文的描述:因而咏物词的创作并不十分普遍,其中以林逋的《点绛唇》,梅尧臣的《苏幕遮》和欧阳修的《少年游》三首咏春草的词较为典型,体现了当时咏物词创作的审美特点。其他的如任二北......
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