
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:fuyifan 更新时间:2014-05-29
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关键词:中和; 美学特征; 美学意义


Abstract: Neutralization aesthetics in China is one of the important classical aesthetic category. In it formed unique demonstrated the aesthetics characteristic of bright, became a cornerstone of classical Chinese aesthetics. 

The pre-qin times and the way of and will or as fundamental world outlook and methodology. From harmony, emphasis on harmonious and advocating the feelings of moderation, thought and aesthetic features of completely demonstrated. 

Confucian aesthetics thinking of the China's traditional art has had a huge impact, formed a unique "and" aesthetic thought. The Confucian "and" aesthetic ideas reflected in aesthetics and art, is a profound influence on the Chinese traditional art special style, formed the Chinese traditional art advocates implicit beauty of the nature. 

Key words: Neutralization   Aesthetic characteristics   Aesthetic meaning

上传会员 fuyifan 对本文的描述:儒家美学中的“中和”美就是指结构和谐、内部诸因素发展适度的一种美。儒家“中和”美学思想反映在审美与艺术上,深刻影响了中国传统艺术特殊风格的形成,如艺术形象的温柔、敦......
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