
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:xubanban 更新时间:2014-08-08
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[Abstract] Li Qing Zhao early word description of the life and thoughts and feelings in the boudoir of the young girl, young woman, fresh and natural, lively and bright style of the works of this period her word for the latter part of the word wind tends to be bitter silence heavy-hearted, deep and subtle, mainly to express the hurt when you forgive and forget the emotional and nostalgic Mourn, prompting its style reason for the change is the suffering caused by there life. Social change, marriage, love and other factors Ci of wind changes have a significant impact Qing Zhao life experiences and content of the works Analysis Ci of Melancholy, to understand the reasons for the formation of the Ci of Melancholy.

[Keywords] Qing Zhao; Ci; Melancholy; term wind changes

上传会员 xubanban 对本文的描述:李清照一生经历了表面繁华、危机四伏的北宋末年和动乱不已、偏安江左的南宋初年,生活从优裕富足走向苦难困顿,丰富跌宕的生平际遇使得李清照的创作视野开阔,从其词作中就可......
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