
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:皇族girl 更新时间:2014-09-01
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摘要:目前,隐喻的研究焦点是隐喻的认知功能。从语言学不同角度研究语言中隐喻现象的认知机制的论著十分丰富,在此之外,针对文体中的隐喻研究多集中在纯文学文体中,对于应用文体中所采用的隐喻关注较少。文章收集了三大商业报道刊物中的相关文本,整理出三类隐喻:应用于商业活动主体的隐喻;应用于商业活动 主体关系上的隐喻;应用于商业活动目标性的隐喻,并对其中的隐喻样本进行分析。

关键词:商业报道  隐喻  映射  凸显


Abstract  At present, the metaphor of the research focus is on cognitive function of metaphor. Linguistic study of language from different angles, the cognitive metaphor in the mechanism of the very rich, in other situations, for Metaphors studies were focused on pure literary style, the style for the application of the metaphor used in less attention. Business Report article publications collected in the three related texts, Three types of finishing Metaphors: Metaphors used in the main business activities; applied to the relationship between business activities of the main metaphor; used the metaphor of business objectives, and Metaphors which samples for analysis.

Key Word  business report   metaphor   mapping  highlight

上传会员 皇族girl 对本文的描述:目前,隐喻的研究焦点是隐喻的认知功能。从语言研究的各个角度研究语言中隐喻现象与认知关系的著述颇丰,但大多关注的是具体的语族,如色彩词;或者是针对某一文本,进行隐喻......
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