
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键词    《蛙》,主题,生命,计划生育,赎罪


ABSTRACT:In the Frog this novel, Mo Yan adopts epistolary, Yuan stories, drama combination in the form of a body, with its unique style, the hero aunt and many characters and rural life in the countryside were vivid description, show the Gaomi northeast township has sixty years of family planning a picture of the real picture, touched "all aspects of growth", and the dark side of human nature of the strong urge. The novel described in crimes allegedly committed to mankind at the same time, but also the spirit of the characters were digging salvation, eventually embodied by the writer for the human life instinct awareness and concern, so that the theme of the work has been further sublimation.

Key Words: Frog,Theme,Life,Family Planning,Atonement

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:小说通过作家对一系列普通妇女的生动塑造,让其笔下的人物拥有了一股强大的爆发力和顽强继续的生命强力,并始终洋溢着一种积极的生命精神。藉着对痛苦的担当以及苦难的抗争,......
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