
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键词:  唐诗,英雄意识,汉代情结,边塞情结


ABSTRACT:The frontier fortress complex is of scholars in the tang era spirit and consciousness of being under the function of history. Zeitgeist of frontier fortress poet strong utilitarian consciousness and hope to join the feat and career aspirations have important influence. According to the change in strength of the tang dynasty, tang dynasty poet's utilitarian consciousness and suffering consciousness shows strong phases, especially the experience of war and battle the poet to the state and the fate of the people showed great social responsibility and the sense of anxiety. At the same time, a review of the history recalls Tang Chao wen awareness of han dynasty complex and produce heroes, which reflects the poets rich inner feelings.

Key Words:Frontier complex complex, Tang poetry, The hero consciousness, Han dynasty

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:在这样的情况下,社会的尚武氛围浓厚。诗人们开始关心国事,注目边塞时局,渴望在盛世之时做出一番事业,建立丰功伟绩。一时间,从军报国、赴边御敌成为了文人士子们共同追求......
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