
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:重庆小伙 更新时间:2014-09-11
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关键词:  朱熹,《诗集传》,注解,特点


ABSTRACT:When the Book of Songs has been published, it is never ceased to give explanatory notes. Those,such as Mao Heng、Zheng Xuan、Kong Yinda and Zhu Xi, are the representatives with unique features, while Zhu Xi stands out for his notes in the following three reasons: firstly, his notes are concise to the point and easy to understand; secondly, they are different from Mao Zhuan which is rigid and misunderstanding, and meantime Zheng Jian and Kong Shu inherits Mao Zhuan without any breakthroughs; thirdly, in his notes, he breaks the bounds of Shi Xu to focus on meaning and understanding, and also tries to seek the essential meaning and suitable explanations of these songs which is integrated by literature views. The breakthroughs of Zhu Xi’s Shi Ji Zhuan give a new orientation to the Book of Songs. In this essay, integrating previous studies, the author bases on these aspects which are the convention of Zhu Xi’s mind, the attitude and transform of Shi Xu, and also its structure and achievements to talk about Zhu Xi’s notes in Shi Ji Zhuan of the Book of Songs.

Key words:Zhu Xi, Shi Ji Zhuan, notes, features

上传会员 重庆小伙 对本文的描述:由于《诗集传》重要的历史地位和价值,使得它在后世受到了很大的关注,对它的研究也同样没有停歇过。清代皮锡瑞的《经学通论》,在《诗经》学部分有对朱熹不相信毛序的论述,......
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