
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:coffee45 更新时间:2014-11-05
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Abstract: "the West Chamber" of the story is happened in Tang Dynasty Zhenyuan years, at that time, the height of the Tang period has passed, but the feudal society, a set of etiquette and system still ingrained. For women, parents are allowed out will be severely punished without, the traditional marital stress Mendanghudui, money and power is the basis of marriage, parents is the marriage mode. These norms and customs still regulate people's life, deeply trace in people heart in drop, seems ever more stringent. Unfortunately Cui Yingying was living in the feudal era, as children, both male and female, both parties will, must obey the orders of parents, the words of a match-maker "". This article emphasizes the foundation of marriage is "love", and "love" can only be completed by the parties to the marriage, the parties to such, will decide the right of marriage from outsiders to hand back to the party.

Keywords: Romance of the Western Chamber; Cui Yingying; Characters



上传会员 coffee45 对本文的描述:《西厢记》这部书描述的是完美的爱情故事,王实甫把崔莺莺写的很逼真,栩栩如生,具有时代体现。然而对于崔莺莺来说,她所生活的时代背景很特殊,她自己对待爱情的想法很奇异......
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