
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:朵朵 更新时间:2014-11-09
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【关键词】周作人; 言志与载道; 游戏与教益;趣味与知识 ;结语


【Abstract】 Zhou Chinese history in modern prose plays an important role, its advocacy of the theory of prose essays on the development of the future have a significant impact and contribution. This paper in its prose to find out the scattered writings found in the theoretical perspectives of the theory advocated by the prose and contemporary prose writers advocated theory contradictions. This article from the determined and contained Road, attitude and state of prose writing and talking about his influence and contribution to the theory advocates insisted, Zhou prose to our understanding of the role and play a great help. His prose is full of fun this is his most important feature of prose, but also he has always insisted, and created a lot of fun prose. His prose is prose writing theory today is still an important guide and reference value.

【Key words】 Zhou Zuoren; Expressing Ideal and contained Road; Games and lessons learned; Fun and Knowledge;Conclusion


在现代文学史上,周作人的散文占有重要的一席之地,可以说现代散文的真正开始正是从周作人开始的。在《新文学大系散文一集编选感想》中,周作人谈及散文时如是说:“对于小说戏剧诗等等我不懂,文章好坏似乎还能知道一点”。 ①他一直在发表对于新文学的看法,而自从“五四”新文化运动以来,新文学获得长足发展的就是散文。所以这里的“新文学”未尝不可看作是散文。在《<中国新文学大系·散文一集>导言》中,周作人又通过引述《陶庵梦忆跋》、《杂拌儿跋》、《燕之草跋》、《杂拌儿之二序》等文的内容来阐述他对散文的理论。散文是由“五四”开始而不断发展的,他的理论与创作对现代散文的发展有着深远的影响。本文试图在梳理周作人散文观的基础上,发掘其现代意义。

上传会员 朵朵 对本文的描述:传统认为是“诗言志”、“文以载道”,但在这里,周作人把言志与载道作为是文学发展的两种主要的潮流,所以也可以看作是散文发展的两种主要的潮流,自古以来就一直在争论到底......
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