
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:常常同学 更新时间:2013-05-24
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摘  要



关键词: 冷雨;余光中;乡愁



Listen to The Cold Rain is a poem-like prose which is collected in the essay anthology Prose of Guangzhong Yu. A poem-like essay is a kind of modern literature form which is featured by its double characteristics—the expression ability derived from poems and the descriptive ability derived from prose. Chinese poem-like essays flow with beauty of sounds and structures by the excellent application of rhetoric such as the double words, the onomatopoeia, the parallelism, personification and so on. Besides, such kind of essays is full of connotation beauty which appeals to people's contemplation. English culture is high contextual while Chinese belongs to the low one. Hence, it is difficult to transfer all the Chinese connotation into English during the translation process, especially to transfer the usage of the rhetoric. 

Compound translation ways will be applied in the translation process such as amplification, literal translation, free translation or etc. The purpose of this thesis is to study how translators can make a best shift of rhetoric from Chinese to English. At the end of the thesis a conclusion will be made to manifest that transference of nature of words and fully understanding of source texts' history backgrounds can be helpful to optimize the quality of the translation. In addition, the applied translation way and corresponding examples will be analyzed in details.

Key words: cold rain, Guangzhong Yu, rhetoric

上传会员 常常同学 对本文的描述:摘 要 《听听那冷雨》是发表在《余光中选集·散文卷》中的一篇长篇散文诗。散文诗是中国现代文学的一种常用体裁。散文诗对于叠字词、拟声词、段落排比、拟人手法等修辞......
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