
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:了不起的盖茨比 更新时间:2013-08-31
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ABSTRACT:The Hui people distribute widely in China, and have a typical characteristic population distribution of Mixed residential and Small inhabit. Just in Yunnan Province, there is a number of Hui people, as Shadian of Gejiu, Dazhuang of Kaiyuan, Huilong of Jianshui, Na Jiaying of Tonghai, North urban area of Yuxi, all of these are typical inhabit villages of Hui people. In the 55 ethnic minorities of China, the Hui people is the only minority without the native language among several the minorities which believe the Islamism. As a minority that use of Chinese, the Hui still has many national characteristics, and for its own language engraving the distinctive national language mark, although the language of Hui people has provincialized basically even absolutely. At the same time,under the impact of the same religious beliefs,the Hui people's language in Yunan province have the consistency of the language within the native language. In this paper, it discovers folk culture of contain in Hui spoken language through describing language development of Hui people and the language status quo and characteristic of Hui people of Yunnan Province, it explains the remolding Chinese by Hui people, at the same time, inherits own spiritual culture.

Key words: Hui people of Yunnan, language, religious faith, folk culture


语言是信息的载体,是交际的工具。回族语言在漫长的历史时期内形成了今天独具特色的“回族汉语”。而此形成过程正如学者们所说,“随着回回愈来愈分散杂居在汉族之中,特别是回汉通婚而使汉人成分在回回中增多和回回人学习中国传统文化的要求,明代后期汉语已成为回族的共同语言,同时在回族人民的日常交往中保留了一些阿拉伯语和波斯语的词汇。”[ 关里爷著,杨万宝、马学凯、张承志译《热什哈尔》,生活·读书·新知三联出版社,北京,1993年,页15。]以此来看,回族语言既是对汉语的选择和运用,也是对汉语的重新塑造。回族语言虽然已“汉化”,但回族在使用汉语时仍然保留了本民族的特色,其在汉语中融入自己先民的语言成分,以及独创的具有民族特色的词汇在很大程度上又有别于汉语。在中国这片土地上,地域的差异也使得云南回族语言具备了一定的特色,这种打上鲜明民族语言烙印的回族语言不仅让人认知其语言文化里的精神文化,同时也极大丰富了自己的民族语言和中华文明,而且在一定程度上也反映了回族独特的风俗习惯和宗教文化。


上传会员 了不起的盖茨比 对本文的描述:在相同宗教信仰的影响下,云南回族语言又具有本族内部语言的一致性。本文通过描述回族语言发展及云南回族语言现状、特点来挖掘回族日常用语所蕴含的民俗文化,阐释回族在重新......
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