
资料分类:文学论文 上传会员:我的男朋友 更新时间:2013-10-16
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关键词:  古典主义特色    理性     仿古    现实主义戏剧    创新


Abstract:Moliere's Tartuffe  is a very famous literature of Classicism. It was born in the classical period, in the era of influence, it showed the inherent characteristics of the classical era. It did not get bogged down in the influences of times, to the contrary, it reflected the innovation and development of modern significance even this influence was continued until today.

   After reading Moliere’s Tartuffe, we can find the creation of the classical essence from its humorous script, which can also show the use of classical rules. At the same time, Tartuffe reflects the people’s value of rational aesthetics and symmetric aesthetics, which illuminates the social thought and academic agitation at that time. So Tartuffe is the model of classical literature.

  For researching a literature, we should read it in detail besides reading through. Then we can find the description of Tartuffe has the means of finding or pointing out the mistakes, advising people to correct them. It not only stays in the level of literature, but also analyzes and satirize in the level of reality, even intentional exaggerated. So we can see the shadow of Realism in Tartuffe, which is an important step for the evolvement of classical theater to modern drama. Meanwhile, the fusion of folk literature in a drama inject new life into classical theater. 

Key words: classical characteristics, modern drama, innovation




上传会员 我的男朋友 对本文的描述:分析和剖析,让《伪君子》的创作融合了现实主义的手法。这种创新使古典主义戏剧向近代戏剧的演化更迈进了一步。同时它的对民间文学的吸收及改编,赋予了古典主义戏剧新的活力......
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