
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-24
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关键词 感恩;感恩教育;小学感恩教育;现状;优化策略


Abstract:This thesis focuses on the value and the meaning of subject research. By defining related concept, it also made questionnaire on Status of Gratitude Education in Primary School, and distributed it to part of the pupils in four primary schools in XuZhou. In addition to the students, parents and teachers were interviewed. After rigorous data statistics and analysis, organizing and summarizing the interview record, understand the behavior of the students awareness of gratitude, importance of school on gratitude education and related measures, the degree of attention of parents to Gratitude Education and lack of gratitude education in the implementation process of the school. At last, it comes up with the optimization strategy of gratitude education in primary school. That is to say, school play a leading role in the process of implementing the Gratitude Education. Teachers should give full play to the instant education with students in the process of communication. Students’ friendship group is very important, teachers also need to pay attention to.Pay attention to Gratitude Education in the discipline teaching and also we should pay attention to home school and guide parents to Gratitude Education. 

Keywords:  Gratitude   Gratitude Education   Gratitude Education in Primary School       Status   Optimization strategy








上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:小学阶段是学生在学习生涯中一个起始阶段,也是一个关键阶段,在这个时期所受到的教育对孩子今后的发展有着重要的影响。感恩教育就得在小学阶段层层深入,渗透到学习中,生活......
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