
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-25
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关键词 早期阅读;农村幼儿家庭早期阅读;现状研究


Abstract:As early as in the 1980s, the family early reading caused widespread concern in the international community, as the international community is more and more research on the family early reading, China also began to pay attention to the family early reading. However, due to lack of knowledge of the rural areas, parents on the family early reading, attitudes random, households in rural areas in China early reading situation is worrying.

   The new curriculum is more emphasis on improving children's reading skills, reading ability is the basis for all learning. 0-8 years of age is the early stages of human development, at that stage of the child's language, thinking, cognitive abilities are very limited, and can not read independently, need the help of parents early reading activities.

   This article is mainly rural households in the concept of early reading, to carry out the rural early reading strategy focus interpretation, analysis of the current situation and the existing problems of rural households Early Reading, based on careful study of existing problems trying to find the affected factors of rural families early reading and instructional strategies for rural areas.

   In this study, using a literature study, survey and observation conducted a survey of rural households early to read the status quo, the study were analyzed, comparing, summarizing, synthesizing, and strive to achieve the rigorous science. I hope through the study of the status quo, reference and basis for the future of rural households early, rich early childhood teaching practice in rural areas.

Keywords  early reading    rural children’s family early reading     present study




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本研究主要采用了文献研究法、问卷调查法和观察法对农村幼儿家庭早期阅读的现状进行了调查分析,对研究的资料进行了分析、比较、归纳、综合,力求做到严谨科学。希望通过对这......
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