
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-09
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摘  要:数学应用意识是现代数学教育中一个很重要的方面,已经成为了全世界数学教育家们最为关注的概念之一。作为培养学生的一个目标,其具有普遍性,实用性的特点,能对提高学生们的数学兴趣,对他们以后学习其他学科具有指导作用。教师需要在教学中转变教学观念,把培养学生的数学应用意识作为第一要务,不断调整自己的教学方式,找到传授知识和能力的结合点。




ABSTRACT:Mathematics application consciousness is a very important aspect of modern mathematics education, has become one of the world most module on mathematics educators. As the purpose of our study, its universality, practicality, to improve students' interest in mathematics, has the role of guiding them to learn other subjects. Teachers should change their teaching ideas in teaching, to cultivate the student's mathematics application consciousness as the first priority, constantly adjust their teaching methods, find the combination point of imparting knowledge and ability. The emphasis of this thesis is to promote teacher training students consciousness of mathematics application development for the purpose, through the questionnaire survey, the cultivation of the mathematics application consciousness of teachers and students are facing problems and restricting factors analysis of the research done in the actual teaching, puts forward countermeasures to cultivate pupils' mathematics application consciousness of teaching, to provide reference for the mathematics teachers in urban and rural areas primary school.

Keywords: pupil;maths;Application of consciousness

上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:国外的各种研究文献与报告对数学应用意识的阐述大体可概括为:对数学的理解认识能力和数学应用的心理倾向。它包括数学技能的综合应用和将抽象的数学知识具体化。数学应用意识......
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