
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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摘要:本文以蒙自市东村小学为例,运用自编的《城乡结合部小学生受欺负现象的调查问卷》对东村小学200名在校学生有关受欺负问题展开调查研究。结果表明:(1)从东村小学学生整体来看,受欺负现象非常严重,这对小学生的身心健康及未来的发展有着极其消极的影响。 (2)根据调查结果显示,该校小学生在校受欺负与所处的家庭背景、学校背景以及教师的态度等有很大的关系。(3)不同年龄段的学生在受欺负的类型上各有其特点 (4)学生及教师在面对这类情况时处理不当,致使小学生在校受欺负形势愈演愈烈。针对这些调查现状,本文提出应从家庭、学校及学生自身的角度出发,正确看待此类事件,加强对各个方面的教育,提出解决城乡结合部小学生受欺负现象的路径选择。



ABSTRACT:In this paper, the author take dongcun primary school as an example in mengzi ,use 《The Research of urban fringe Primary school students about Bullied 》of myself by 200 students about Bullied. The results show that: (1)The phenomenon is very serious the dongcun primary school students be Bullied , That has a very negative impact about children's physical and mental health and the future development. (2) According to the survey, this phenomenon has a very big relation on the underdog of family background, school background and teacher's attitude in school. (3) Bifferent age students has its own been  Bullied characteristics in the underdog type (4) the students and teachers,usually, didn’t take proper method in the face of this situation.So that the phenomenon become more and more worse. According to the present situation investigation, this paper puts forward a correct view from family, school, and students' Angle to trengthenst all aspects of the education.And putting forward resolve the path about the phenomenon. 

key words :  the urban fringe;  primary school students;  bullied;  study


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:学生及教师在面对这类情况时处理不当,致使小学生在校受欺负形势愈演愈烈。针对这些调查现状,本文提出应从家庭、学校及学生自身的角度出发,正确看待此类事件,加强对各个方面......
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