
资料分类:小学教育 上传会员:徐冬冬 更新时间:2013-08-03
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ABSTRACT:With the modern science and technology developed rapidly, the urban and rural hermetically bring together. Gradually the person’s l tries to change the backward situation by move from urban to rural areas.  Taking for elementary school mathematics ,that experienced from numerous problems to simple, from a single method to flexible gradient process with the new round curriculum reform .which has been renamed "problem solving”, the purpose is to develop urban and rural education. However, the process of new curriculum reform found that the new curriculum reform for rural elementary school mathematics education did not bring the expected effect. To some degree, that has increased the difficulty of rural education, increased the distance between the cities. According to these special reason, this paper will under the main changes of new curriculum  primary school mathematics "problem solving" ,by the urban and rural pupils "problem solving" the present situation of the study contrast. it is to put forward some Suggestions to solve these differences about urban and rural students "problem solving" and analyze the reasons .which produced this differences .

Key words: pupils in urban or rural areas; solving problems; Comparative study


上传会员 徐冬冬 对本文的描述:本文将从新课程下小学数学“解决问题”的主要变化说起、通过城乡小学生“解决问题”学习的现状对比、从而找出城乡小学生“解决问题“学习上产差异的原因并对其进行分析,最后......
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