
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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【关键词】  农民工子女,异地就学,台州市椒江区


【Abstract】The migrant workers are facing many problems,the education of their children is one of the focus of attention of the migrant workers. Solving the education problem of migrant children help to implement compulsory education and quality improvement, and promote educational equity achieved.It will improve quality of migrant children,promote their development. And in addition,it is important to improving the quality of urban citizens and society stability. Based on this, I choose migrant children in Taizhou City District Haimen street for the study.I take sample surveys and field research, focusing on the family and education problems of migrant children. After a sample survey I understand the current situation of migrant children school attendance,and find the promblem and the unreasonable policy regime. Finally,combining both the knowledge and local conditions,on the ground, I propose to remedy fitting to the problem. After this study, combining both the knowledge and local conditions,on the ground, I propose to remedy fitting to the problem. After this study,I found to slove the promblem of migrant children attending school,need government,public schools, private schools and parents work together. The government should play a leading role to increase support for policies and correct guidance of public opinion, all kinds of schools should actively cooperate with the gvernment, the migrant workers should strengthen its emphasis on children's education.

【Key Words】   children of Migrant Workers,school attendance out of town.

,Jiaojiang District Taizhou




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:本文认为解决当地农民工随迁子女异地就学教育问题需要政府,公办学校、私办学校和农民工父母共同努力,其中政府应该起牵头作用,加大扶持政策和正确的舆论引导,各类学校需积......
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