
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:我的美女老师 更新时间:2013-10-26
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【关键词】  企业制度,制度执行力,对策


【Abstract】In the process of construction and operation of enterprises, enterprise management system construction is one of the important basic work in the enterprise development play a pivotal role, and even can be said that the key to success. Nowadays, many enterprises in the enterprise system and the system of executive power between a number of issues, making the business interests not achieve the intended vision, so the research enterprise development implementation of the system is crucial. In this paper, Case enterprises to adopt survey methods, the resulting data is used to study the existence of the business system of executive power issues, and the enterprise system implementation force strength is the development of priority, to find solutions to enterprise system execution the problem of inadequate countermeasures, and on this basis propose how best to improve the execution of enterprise system, comments and suggestions. In this paper, the main contents of  the study is by far the class of problems at home and abroad research collation, and case corporate enterprise system that exists today Executive Force. Business problems in identifying the source of the process, the problems have put forward their own thinking, draw a Case Business countermeasures to face these problems, including the system itself due to causes related countermeasures, as those caused by factors related to the implementation measures, as a result of oversight mechanism causes related countermeasures.

【Key Words】   Enterprise system,System of executive power,Countermeasure 




上传会员 我的美女老师 对本文的描述:研究的内容主要为迄今为止国内外对该类问题的研究成果整理,和案例企业现今所存在的企业制度执行力问题。在找出企业的问题源泉过程中,提出自己对于问题产生的思考,得出案例......
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