
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:易小编 更新时间:2014-08-21
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摘  要:当前,高校贫困生现象日显突出,数量庞大,比例不断增加,成为带有普遍性的社会问题并影响着我国整体教育质量的提升和整个社会的稳定及其发展。积极、稳妥、有效地解决贫困生问题,事关我国高校健康发展与和谐稳定的大局,解决贫困生问题刻不容缓。为此,我们必须研究我国高校贫困大学生资助体系现在的建设情况,深度挖掘贫困大学生的现实需求,从横向和纵向,比较我国与其他国家在资助体系上的不同,找到缺陷和差距并解决问题。


关键词:贫困大学生  资助体系  体系建设


ABSTRACT:The increased proportion of the impoverished students become an universal social problem and an important influencing factor of our education quality and our social’s stability. Solving the poverty problem of the college students actively, reliably and effectively plays an important role in the sound development of our whole college . We should understand the subsidization system for impoverished college students to dig their actual demands and compare the difference of subsidization system between our country and the other countries from crosswise direction and lengthwise direction to find the weakness of our founding system and solve it.

   To analysis the subsidization system for impoverished college students and apply the proper theoretical model to the situation of our country for finding the restraining factors will have an important meaning of our education system. 

Key words: impoverished college students, founding system, system construction

上传会员 易小编 对本文的描述:贫困生问题已不仅是教育问题,更是一个需要全社会都来进一步关注的社会性问题。当前,我国贫困生状况不仅严重影响着贫困生个人及其家庭的正常生活和发展,制约着我国教育的整......
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