
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:小天天 更新时间:2015-06-03
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Abstract:After the founding of New China, the modern sense of the legal system gradually established and developed. In the 21st century, it is the party's attention and planning, comprehensive socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics established. Period, although there are a lot of twists and turns and lessons, but under the party's leadership, the people are the masters and the theoretical guidance of the rule of law, based on national conditions and adhere to the times of the foundation, gradually move forward in the overall development and improvement. Truly practice the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics to China's socialist modernization plays an important role in safeguarding. To do this, from the following three aspects: Stick legislative scientific, insisted justice, uphold the law enforcement people.

Key Words:Socialism with Chinese characteristics; legal system; rule of law



上传会员 小天天 对本文的描述:新中国成立后,新中国的各方面事业百废待兴。新中国的法制建设也被提上日程,并逐渐发展、建立起来。我们中国特色社会主义法律体系的发展历程大致可以归纳为四个阶段。......
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