
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:夏天去哪儿 更新时间:2015-07-12
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Abstract:The history of South Africa racism can be roughly divided into three periods, including the emergence and development, overall prevalence and after-racism. While analyzing the economic reasons, political reasons, social and historical causes and external causes that lead to the formation and development of racism with the dialectical materialist scientific method, we find the power and the implement way that can ruin racism in the old world of South Africa according to the basic principles of scientific socialism. Power there are four, respectively are black south africans, white south africans, international organizations and sovereign countries and abroad of the proletariat. The main path is socialist revolution road containing democratic revolution under the guidance tolerant spirit of reconciliation.

Key Words: racism ; south Africa ; socialist revolution



上传会员 夏天去哪儿 对本文的描述:本文通过回顾南非种族主义三百多年的历史嬗变,运用马克思主义科学的世界观和方法论剖析南非的种族问题,在南非种族主义的旧世界中找寻南非实现真正平等、自由的新力量、新出......
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