
资料分类:行政论文 上传会员:一年级3班 更新时间:2017-05-12
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关键词:周恩来 思政工作 统一战线


Abstract:zhou enlai in the party's ideological work extremely well, his unique method of ideological and political work still has a certain guiding significance in the new period, are worth further study. In the actual political thought work, zhou enlai was not only limited to the ideological work of ideological and political education this narrow aspects, on the contrary, zhou enlai, using the advantages of the ideological work of ideological and political education method and flexible using in other work, and achieved good results. Zhou enlai is one of our party's early leaders of the united front thought, for our party's united front work made great contribution. In united front work, zhou enlai, in which the ideological work, greatly promoted the establishment of the united front, to consolidate and develop.

Keywords: zhou enlai  ideological work  The united front

上传会员 一年级3班 对本文的描述:统一战线工作的实际开展涉及方方面面,它不是某一领域具体的工作,而是各个领域中都有触及。而统一战线工作的推进也不能是某一领域可以快速发展,其他领域就可以缓慢前行,这......
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