
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:离不开你 更新时间:2014-01-31
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ABSTRACT:Gone with the Wind is a novel written by Margaret Mitchell, first published in 1936. It plays an important role in the history of the world literature. This paper is intended to analyze the reasons of Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage tragedy. The author of this paper thinks their marriage tragedy is mainly caused by social reasons and their characters. The results of this study show that both of the two parts lead to their marriage tragedy. Many people have researched Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage tragedy, and this paper will help people to have a better understanding about their marriage tragedy. And it also helps to enrich the corpus of the reasons for Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage tragedy.

Key words: marriage  tragedy  social reasons  character



关键词:婚姻  悲剧  社会原因  性格

上传会员 离不开你 对本文的描述:The results of this study show that both of the two parts lead to their marriage tragedy. Many people have researched Scarlett and Rhett’s marriage tragedy, and this paper will help people to have a better understanding about their marriag......
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