
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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关键词:书面纠错; 初中生; 英语语言能力





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 Relevant theories and studies of error-2

2.1.1 The definition of error-2

2.1.2 The difference between “error” and “mistake”-2

2.1.3 The classification of error-2

2.1.4 Review of different error analysis theories-3

2.2 Relevant theories and studies of error correction-4

2.2.1 Previous studies about the significance of error correction-4

2.2.2 The stages of doing written work correction-4

2.2.3 Principles of written work correction-5

2.2.4 Strategies of doing written work correction-6

2.3 Relevant theories and studies of English language competence-6

2.3.1 Basic information of core competence of English discipline-6

2.3.2 The definition of language ability-7

2.3.3 The connotation of language ability-7

3. Research design-9

3.1 Research questions-9

3.2 Research subjects-9

3.3 Research methods and tools-9

3.4 Research process-9

4. Findings and discussions-11

4.1 The analysis of the experiment-11

4.1.1 The relationship between written work correction and language abilities-11

4.1.2 The improvement in different language abilities by doing written work correction-11

4.2 Questionnaire-15

4.3 Interview-17

5. Conclusion-19



上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:According to Core Competencies and Values for Chinese Students’ Development, higher requests have been demanded for the development of English language competence. Nowadays, many schools also begin to pay huge attention to set different co......
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