
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background of the Study-1

1.1.1 The Importance of Practical Writing-1

1.1.2 The Complexity of Writing and Writing Teaching-2

1.1.3 Current Situation of English Writing Teaching and Learning in Senior High School-2

1.2 Significance of the Study-2

1.3 Overall Structure of the Paper-2

2. Literature Review-4

2.1 Error Analysis Theory-4

2.1.1 Definitions of Error-4

2.1.2 Classifications of Error-5

2.1.3 The Procedure of Error Analysis-6

2.2 Previous Study on Teaching Mode of Practical English Writing-6

2.3 Comments on Previous Study-7

3. Methodology-9

3.1 Research Questions-9

3.2 Participants-9

3.3 Instruments-9

3.4 Procedures-9

3.5 Data Collection and Analysis-10

4. Results and Discussion-11

4.1 Analysis of Classroom Observation-11

4.1.1 Observation during Class-11

4.1.2 Observation after Class-12

4.2 Analysis of Students’ Errors-13

4.2.1 Errors Caused by Interlingual Transfer-13

4.2.2 Errors Caused by Intralingual Transfer-14

4.2.3 Errors Caused by Learning Context-15

4.2.4 Errors Caused by Learning and Communication Strategies-15

5. Conclusion-16

5.1 Major Findings of the Study-16

5.1.1 The teaching mode of practical English writing teaching in Huzhou High School-16

5.1.2 Problems of Current Practical English Writing Teaching Mode-16

5.2 Pedagogical Implications-17

5.2.1 Return the Initiative to Students-17

5.2.2 Teaching Writing Rather than Translating-17

5.2.3 Pay Attention to Development of Students’ Knowledge Structure-18

5.3 Limitations of the Study-18


上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:Based on classroom observation and error analysis, this paper studies the present situation of the teaching mode of English practical writing in senior high schools, and explores the influence of teachers classroom teaching on students’ wr......
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