
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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1. Introduction-1

1.1 Edgar Allan Poe and his “William Wilson”-1

1.1.1 Edgar Allan Poe-1

1.1.2 “William Wilson”-1

1.2 Existing Studies on “William Wilson”-1

1.3 The Purpose and Plan for this Study-2

1.4 Overall Structure of the Thesis-3

2. Narrative Theory for This Study-4

2.1 Unreliable Narration-4

2.2 The Relationship between Unreliable Narration and Reliable Narration-5

3. The Unreliable Narration in “William Wilson”-6

3.1 The Unreliable Narration on the Identity of William Wilson-6

3.2 The Unreliable Narration Which Shows the Hidden Evil-8

3.2.1 Distorted ethical values-8

3.2.2 Growing hatred-9

4. The Reliable Narration in “William Wilson”-11

4.1 The Obvious Evil-11

4.2 The Remaining Conscience-11

4.3 The Struggle between Good and Evil-11

5. The Functions of a Balanced Unreliable-and-reliable Narration-14

5.1 Enhancing Aesthetic Effects-14

5.2 Enriching the Character-14

5.2.1 The narrator’s struggle between good and evil-14

5.2.2 Poe’s analysis of good and evil-14

6. Conclusion-16


上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:“William Wilson” is one of the representative works of Edgar Allan Poe. Based on the Booth and Phelan’s theory of unreliable narration, this thesis analyses the story’s unreliable narration and discovers that Wilson the narrator and “......
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