
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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摘要:转喻复合词,因其复合构词和修辞手法的特殊性,受到了越来越多语言学家、心理学家等的关注。 汉语和英语中均存在着大量转喻复合词,汉英转喻复合词的对比研究,对二语习得、跨文化交际、心理语言学等方面的研究有很大的帮助,因此是非常有必要的。本文以汉英转喻复合词为研究对象,拟从语音学、句法学、语义学等角度解决以下三个问题: 1)汉语和英语中转喻复合词分别有什么特征? 2)汉语和英语转喻复合词有什么不同? 3)造成这些特征和差异的因素是什么?通过对收集到的资料的分析,作者发现汉语转喻词和英语转喻词有一些相似的特点: 1)一词多义; 2)词性的可变性; 3)隐喻和转喻这两种修辞经常同时出现在复合词中; 4)汉英转喻复合词都涉及到在源和目标之增添信息。英汉转喻复合词同样也存在着一定的差异:1)汉语的转喻倾向于双音化和音调的和谐,而英语的转喻复合词有重音,重音位置的变化会改变该词的意思; 2)尽管表示相同的意思,英汉转喻复合词转喻的源可能是不同的。


关键词:转喻复合词; 特征; 差异;影响因素





1. Introduction-5

1.1 Research background-5

1.2 Research questions-5

1.3 Research methodology-6

2. Literature review-6

2.1 A review of Metonymy-6

2.2 The types of metonymic compounds-7

2.3 Contrastive studies of metonymic compounds in English and Chinese-7

3. Theoretical framework-8

3.1  Phonological, Syntactic and Semantic theories-8

3.1.1 Phonology-8

3.1.2 Syntax-8

3.1.3 Semantics-9

3.2  The standard of the classification-9

4. Data description, analysis and discussion-11

4.1 Language features shared by metonymic compounds-11

4.1.1 The diphonization of Chinese corresponding to two words in English compounds-11

4.1.2 Polysemy-11

4.1.3 Metonymy and metaphor in compounds-13

4.1.4 Variation of metonymic sources-13

4.2 Analysis of metonymic compounds in Chinese and English.-14

4.2.1 Chinese inclination to tones in word formation-14

4.2.2 Stress in English that distinguishes meanings-15

4.2.3 Categories’ variation in metonymic compound-16

4.2.4 Information added-18

5. Conclusion-19

5.1 Major findings of the study-19

5.2 Limitation and suggestions for future study-20


上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:Metonymic compounds have attracted more and more attention from linguists and psychologists due to the particularity of their word formation and rhetoric. There are a large number of metonymic compounds in both Chinese and English, and the c......
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