
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:墨宝轩 更新时间:2023-03-24
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1.1 Research Background-1

1.2 research Significance-1

1.3 Research Purpose-2

1.4 The Structure of the Thesis-3

2. Literature Review-4

2.1 Concepts Related to Reading-4

2.1.1 Conceptual Definitions of Reading-4

2.1.2 Reading Models-5

2.2 Theoretical Basis: the Input Hypothesis from Krashen-6

2.3 Studies on English Newspaper Reading Aboard and at Home-6

2.3.1 Studies on English Newspaper Reading Abroad-6

2.3.2 Studies on English Newspaper Reading at Home-7

3. Research Methodology-9

3.1 Research Questions-9

3.2 Research Subjects-9

3.3 Research Instruments-9

3.3.1 Questionnaire-9

3.3.2 Test-9

3.3.3 Interview-10

3.4 Research Procedures-10

4. Collection and Analysis of the Data-11

4.1 Collection and Analysis of the Data from the Questionnaires-11

4.1.1 Pre-questionnaire-11

4.1.2 Post-questionnaire-12

4.2 Collection and Analysis of the Data from the Tests-13

4.3 Collection and Analysis of the Data from the Interview-15

5. Conclusion-17

5.1 Major Findings of the Research-17

5.1.1 The Present Input Situation of Junior High School Students’ Reading-17

5.1.2 The Effect of Reading 21st Century Teens-17

5.2 Limitations of the Research-18

5.3 Suggestions for English Newspaper Reading Teaching and Learning-18


Appendix 1-21

Appendix 2-22

Appendix 3-23

Appendix 4-27

Appendix 5-32

上传会员 墨宝轩 对本文的描述:Because of the limitations of English teaching facilities and the impact of traditional teaching model in our country, students are likely to lack authentic English learning environment. And in their daily life, they have hardly any chance t......
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