
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:乖,爱学习 更新时间:2014-06-16
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Abstract:Out of Africa is Isak Dinesen’s representative work and greatest achievement, to which most of the critical attention has been given. The book tells the story of a farm that the narrator once had in Africa. Through the description of her African days, Dinesen shows an almost mystical love for Africa and its people. This research paper studies Dinesen’s attitude towards colonialism in three parts: her colonial tendency, the awakening of anti-colonial attitude in the bottom of her heart and the causes of this contradiction. And it concludes that through Out of Africa Dinesen shows a self-contradictory attitude towards the colonialism. 

Key Words:Isak Dinesen; Out of Africa; colonialism; anti-colonialism; contradiction 




上传会员 乖,爱学习 对本文的描述: Isak Dinesen, in the history of world literature, hold a very special but prominent position with the amalgamation of the cultures she experienced: her native Danish culture, the British colonial culture in East Africa, and the native Afric......
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