
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:圈圈 更新时间:2014-07-13
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Abstract: Sister Carrie is a full-length novel written by Theodore Dreiser, the famous American author in 20th century. This book caused a sensation in the society and deepened the new concept of ‘new women’ at that time. Readers turned their attitudes from the beginning of curb block to recognition and praise. As the new image of “new woman”, Sister Carrie was the response to the requirement of feminism which was called by the American women. Additionally, the concept of “new women” was deeply consolidated on the basis of existence. This book became a shock to the traditional women’s morality which was deeply affected by the Puritanism, enabled the women to fight for economy independence and equal social status and free thinking. This paper, focusing on the research about the process of Sister Carrie’s struggle, emphasizes the positive effects of ‘new women’. And this study will enable modern women to have self-reliance, self-confidence and independent healthy sense of personality. 

Key words: new woman; feminism; personal independence




上传会员 圈圈 对本文的描述:The novel depicts the rural girl Carrie came to Chicago to The story of the real circumstances of the novel is this: Carrie is a handsome rural girl, she envied material life metropolis came to Chicago to make a living and find the well-bein......
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