
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:isis 更新时间:2014-08-17
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Abstract:This thesis is about Chinese translation of titles for American movies. First, it generalizes the importance of movies titles. Second, it analyzes the current situation of translation for American movies titles. Then, following the translation criteria “faithfulness, intelligibility and elegance”, it discusses four translation methods used in the translation of movies titles: literal translation, supplementary translation, transliteration and creative translation. Finally, it deals with some solecisms about translated titles.

Key words: movie titles; translation methods; solecisms


摘  要:本篇论文是对美国电影片名汉译的浅析。首先总结了电影片名的作用。然后对美国电影片名的翻译现状进行了简要的分析。接着结合翻译标准“信、达、雅”探讨了电影片名翻译的四种方法:直译、音译、增译、改译及对一些不合理的电影译名进行了分析。


上传会员 isis 对本文的描述:Nowadays, China communicates with the world in trade, culture, and many other areas. Undoubtedly, movie communication around the world is one of the most important aspects in cultural communications.......
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