
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:娶你,敢嫁么 更新时间:2014-10-05
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Abstract: Public signs refer to language intended to the public which offers public information for the purpose of instructing them or facilitating their lives. These signs include direction signs, road signs, billboards, warning signs etc. Public signs, especially the public signs of C-E translation, play a vital role in the life of the public. They also bring much convenience to the foreign friends. This paper focuses on the characteristic of public signs, which put in use a large number of nouns, verbs, phrases, take the form of combination of words and symbols, and some have Chinese characteristics. Based on Vermeer’s skopostheorie, public signs in public places are analyzed. Some of the public signs translated improperly are collected and classified. At the same time, some solutions are proposed.

Key words: public signs; C-E translation; skopostheorie; strategy




上传会员 娶你,敢嫁么 对本文的描述:Public sign is a kind of particular style, which is shown to special persons, with a purpose to reach a certain communicative goal. There are such public signs as road signs, advertisements, instructions, billboards, propaganda, tour manuals......
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