
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小姿 更新时间:2015-02-05
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Abstract:Recently, the American series films about Garfield are increasingly popular across the world. This paper attempts to analyze the verbal humor in Garfield 2-A Tail of Two Kitties through the violation of Cooperative Principle to reveal that violating the four maxims may provide a relatively reasonable explanation towards the creation of humor. This thesis will take Garfield: a Tail of Two Kitties as an example and study the humor language in it from the perspective of the CP-violation. The study aims to find how humor effects occur in this film, and to improve interpersonal communication skills. Moreover, we can learn about the relation between mechanisms of the humor and the violation of the Cooperative Principle.

Key words: the Cooperative Principle, Violation, Humor




上传会员 小姿 对本文的描述:首先了解Grice合作原则理论以及违反合作原则理论,然后到国家图书馆,各大网站,期刊学报等渠道获得一定数量应用违反合作原则理论的分析文章,经总结后发现大多数文章都是应用违......
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