
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:好男孩 更新时间:2016-06-14
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Abstract:The emergency of the feminist movement has led to the appearance of the feminist translation theory. The theory provides a new perspective for feminist translators. Feminist translators hold the view that language has the ability to intervene in the creation of meanings. They use different translation strategies in their translation works to emphasize the female figures and fully show their feminist consciousness. Eileen Chang is not only an outstanding female writer, but also makes great contributions to translation studies. Her articles outshine her translation achievements, but she really has her own distinct style of translation. The author introduces the development of the feminist translation theory both home and abroad to provide the direction of studying translation works of Eileen Chang. According to the female-favored translation strategies which feminist translators usually adopt—prefacing, footnoting, supplementing and hijacking, the author analyzes translation works of Eileen Chang to discuss her feminist thoughts. Through this study, the author not only endeavors to enrich feminist translation theory to some extent, but also help readers to gain some insights of Eileen Chang’s translation works.


Keywords: feminist translation theory; translation strategies; feminist consciousness; Eileen Chang





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1 A review of Eileen Chang’s personal experience and several translation works-2

2.2 A review of feminist translation theory-5

3. Eileen Chang’s Feminist Consciousness Displayed in her Translation Strategies-6

3.1 Prefacing and footnoting-6

3.2 Supplementing-7

3.3 Hijacking-9

4. Conclusion-10

Work Cited-12

上传会员 好男孩 对本文的描述:作为一位女性作家,与西方女性主义的翻译相比,她的女性主义翻译更是以女性主体为基础的。本文通过对女性主义翻译理论在中国的发展,探讨了张爱玲的译作,为张爱玲的翻译研究......
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