
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:晓萱 更新时间:2017-01-09
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Abstract:Nathaniel Hawthorne is a famous and outstanding writer in American Literature of Romanticism period. His novel of The Scarlet Letter, always regarded as his most representative work, was published in 1850. 

As the first symbolic novel in American Literary history, it has been influencing American Literature deeply and significantly. The novel centres on one significant symbol : the red letter “A”. 

The letter “A” was sewed on the clothes of Hester Prynne, branded on the body of Dimmesdale, and was closely related to Pearl. This paper will explore the different meanings of the “A” on these three people, and shows the author’s viewpoint of letter “A”. 


Key words: the scarlet letter , affection, Hester, Dimmesdale, Pearl






1. Hester’s A ..2

1.1 Her affection for Dimmesdale..2

1.1.1 A selfless affection for Dimmesdale.2

1.1.2 A protective affection for Dimmesdale.3

1.1.3 A constant affection for Dimmesdale..4

1.2 Her affection for Pearl.4

2. Dimmesdale’s A 5

2.1 His affection for Hester.5

2.1.1 An anguished affection for Hester5

2.1.2 A protective affection for Hester..6

2.1.3 A constant affection for Hester7

2.2 His affection for Pearl..8

3. Pearl’s A8


Works Cited11



上传会员 晓萱 对本文的描述:基本要求,要求认真研读文本以及指定的参考资料并写出文献综述;在文献综述的基础上考虑论文题目与主题思想。在阐述主题思想及论文撰写时,要求论点明确,举例分析透彻并支持论......
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