
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:茉莉老师 更新时间:2017-04-05
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Abstract:Since the implementation of reform and opening up policy, China’s international status and comprehensive strength has been enhanced. China communicates with the outside world frequently, while misunderstandings and conflicts appear. Government Work Report(GWR), as a formal, official political document, is a media of letting other countries know China better. Hence, the English version of GWR is very important. Translation of lexical items with Chinese characteristics is especially difficult and should be paid more attention. This paper, based on Functional Equivalence Theory, analyzes C-E translation of lexical items with Chinese characteristics in 2015 Government Work Report.It discusses translating skills and principles and comes to the  following conclusion that Functional Equivalence Theory can guide translation of lexical items. Translators should understand items thoroughly, and consider the culture of target reader’s country. At the same time, translators should follow the principles of being accurate, keeping pace with the times, and being political.

Key words: Functional Equivalence Theory, lexical items with Chinese characteristics, translation





1. Introduction.1

2. Theoretical Basis: the Functional Equivalence Theory in the Study1

3. Application of the Theory in the C-E Translation of Lexical Items with Chinese Characteristics in the 2015GWR.3

3.1 The Reasons of Using the Theory and a Brief Introduction to GWR 

3.2 Features of Lexical Items with Chinese Characteristics

3.3 Translation of Lexical Items with Chinese Characteristics According to Translation Methods

3.3.1 Lexical Items Translated by Literal Translation

3.3.2 Lexical Items Translated by Paraphrase

4. Principles in Translating Lexical Items with Chinese Characteristics in GWR.8

5. Conclusion9




上传会员 茉莉老师 对本文的描述:本文得出如下结论:功能对等理论可以成功指导中国特色词汇的翻译。翻译时,译者首先需了解透彻中国特色词汇的意思,考虑外国的文化以及读者的接受水平,选择适合的翻译方法及......
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