
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:佩佩教授 更新时间:2017-09-13
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Game teaching method is a teaching method that combines teaching content with games with rules, goals and elements of fun, which makes the English teaching an interactive procedure. Based on the existing theories and research results at home and abroad, this paper studies the problems and strategies of game teaching method in primary English teaching. Many methods are used like questionnaires, interview, and theoretical research. First of all, the introduction of its definition, characteristics, advantages and importance has been presented. Secondly, theoretical analysis has been done, including the Theory of Cognitive Development, Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Constructivism. What’s more, an analysis of the actual investigation in primary school has been made, uncovering problems in practicing games. It is lack of explicit teaching purpose, comprehensiveness, operability and monitoring from teachers. According to these problems, the strategies have been put forward: the target strategy,the broad strategy,the efficiency strategy and the monitoring strategy. They are asking for the analysis of students, broad covering of intelligences, clear and interesting modes and process monitoring of class.


Key words: game teaching method; primary English teaching; problems and 







2. Theoretical basis..2

2.1 The Theory of Cognitive Development2

2.2 The Theory of Multiple Intelligences..3

2.3 The Theory of Constructivism.4

3.Problems of the game teaching method 5

3.1 Lack of explicit teaching purpose6

3.2 Lack of comprehensiveness.7

3.3 Lack of operability.10

3.4 Lack of monitoring from teachers..11

4. The strategies of the game teaching method13

4.1 The strategy of goal setting...14

4.2 The strategy of broad covering.15

4.3 The strategy of efficiency improving.16

4.4 The strategy of process monitoring18

5. Conclusion..20


上传会员 佩佩教授 对本文的描述:"Dictionary of Education" ,which is edited by Gu Mingyuan, defines the teaching game as the teaching method that combines teaching content with interesting games according to the teaching syllabus. And Hadfield Jill gave the definition to ......
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