
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-20
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The word “taboo” comes from Tonga, a language used by Tonga people who live in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean. The word “taboo” means that something needs extreme attention. Since ancient times, it is a common cultural phenomenon that exits in all nations around the world. Taboos are different in differences countries, even in different regions of the same country. Therefore, in order to enhance a more effective and successful intercultural communication, the author feels imperative to conduct a study on taboo.

    Based on Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle, this paper made a contrastive analysis on Chinese and English taboos, trying to explore the similarities and differences of this ubiquitous phenomenon in the two cultures. It then explained the cultural causes of the difference, and finally put forward some suggestions to avoid the use of taboos in cross-cultural communication.

Key words: taboo, contrastive analysis, intercultural communication





Chapter Ⅰ Introduction-1


Chapter Ⅱ Literature Review-1

2.1 Previous studies on taboos-1

2.1.1 Previous studies abroad-2

2.1.2 Previous studies at home-2

2.2 Theoretical basis-2

2.2.1 Cooperative principle-3

2.2.2 Politeness principle-4


Chapter Ⅲ Comparative Analysis of Chinese and English Taboos and Cultural Roots behind Them-4

3.1 Similarities-5

3.1.1 Taboos on number-5

3.1.2 Taboos on sickness-6

3.1.3 Taboos on death-6

3.2 Differences-7

3.2.1 Taboos on addressing-7

3.2.2 Taboos on god-8

3.1.3 Taboos on privacy-9


Chapter Ⅳ Solutions to Avoid Taboo in Cross-cultural Communication-10

4.1 Learning the foreign culture-10

4.2 Use of euphemism-10


Chapter Ⅴ Conclusion-11



上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:基于合作原则和礼貌原则对中英禁忌语作了对比分析,尝试探索在跨文化交际背景下两种文化中普遍存在的禁忌语的异同。其次本文也对禁忌语的差异产生的原因以及这些禁忌语蕴含的......
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