
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-22
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The internationalization of higher education originated in Europe and the United States, the developed countries and regions. In the 1990s, with the deepening of the world economic integration, the trend of internationalization of higher education inevitably came into being, and quickly became one of the most popular topics. This paper studies the current situation of the internationalization of Shandong higher education, by consulting the relevant literature, understanding the definition of education internationalization of higher education, as well as reviewing the development of higher education internationalization in China and abroad. Then we take the students and the teachers as the object of investigation questionnaire and do the research on newly-built universities in Shandong. According to the research, some problems in the development of internationalization of higher education in newly-built universities in Shandong have been found by analyzing the results of the data collection, and then we put forward the policy countermeasures suitable for the internationalization of higher education in Shandong


Key words: Education Internationalization; Newly-Built Universities; Problems;







0.1 Research Background-1

0.2 Research Purpose-2

0.3 Research Significance-2

Chapter 1 Literature Review-4

1.1 Definition of Education Internationalization-4

1.2 Status of Foreign Research-5

1.3 Status of Domestic Research-6

Chapter 2 Research and Design-9

2.1 Research Questions-9

2.2 Subjects-9

2.3 Research Approaches-9

Chapter 3 Results and Discussion-10

3.1 Results of Data Collection-10

3.2 Analysis of the Results-12

Chapter4 Problems and Countermeasures-14

4.1 Problems Existing in the Internationalization of Higher Education-14

  4.1.1 The Limitations of Educational Ideas-14

  4.1.2 The Inadequacy of the Educational Courses-15

  4.1.3 The Problems in Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools-16

  4.2 The Countermeasures of Internationalization of Higher Education in  Shandong Province-16

  4.2.1 Development Countermeasures at the Policy Level-17

4.2.2 Development Countermeasures at the School Level-18




Appendix 1-24

Appendix 2-26

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本文研究的是山东高等教育国际化的现状,通过查阅相关文献,了解了高等教育国际化的定义以及国内外发展状况,然后又以学生和老师为研究对象发放调查问卷,对山东新建本科院校......
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