
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-26
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Pride and Prejudice is one of Jane Austen’s works, it tells Elizabeth, her sister and her best friend’s love and marriage, reflecting the conservative and isolated country life in British towns and social interaction in that era. Meanwhile, by describing different treatments on marriage of the characters, Austen shows various attitudes towards love and marriage among middle-class girls in towns, which reflects her view on love and marriage. This paper aims to take three typical love views to analyze the characters in this book, uses Charlotte and Collins to talk about love based on money and benefit, Lydia and Wickham to discuss love based on vanity and impulse, Elizabeth and Darcy to mention love based on sense and true love, and associate these love views with today’s society, with the aim of letting the modern people learn from the love experience.

Key words: love views; material desires; perfect love





1 Introduction.1

2 Charlotte and Collins’ love based on money and benefit.3

3 Lydia and Wickham’s love based on vanity and impulse.5

4 Elizabeth and Darcy’s love based on true love7

5 Conclusion.10

References .13

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:本篇论文旨在从三种典型的爱情观来对书中的角色进行分析,以夏洛特为例结合柯林斯分析愿意为物质财富和社会地位而嫁人的爱情观,以莉迪亚为例结合维克汉姆分析为美貌和感情,......
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