
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:王导 更新时间:2017-09-26
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With the development of international technology, e-commerce is playing a more and more important role in business activities. Nowadays, in our business activities, business letters have become an indispensable part in the success of trade. In addition, in the import and export trade, we usually use English business letters. Business letters is a kind of human communication, so the politeness principles play an important role in the business letters. The correct usage of politeness principle can make the business activities be more pleasing, thus we can do half the work with double results. 

In order to make people translate English business letters better, this thesis studies the politeness principles in translation of different kinds of English business letters (such as good news business letters, bad news business letters, daily business letters and persuasive business letters). This thesis reflects the importance of politeness principles in different kinds of business letters through examples. In addition, it summarizes the translations skills of the politeness principles in these business letters. It reflects the politeness principles in terms of rhetoric, slang and poem or idiom.


Key words: English business letters; politeness principles; translation skills

上传会员 王导 对本文的描述:Nowadays, English business letters play a more and more important role in business activities, especially in export and import trade. A good business letter can improve the success of trade, on the contrary, if we can’t use the correct bus......
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