
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:梦溪 更新时间:2017-10-17
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 Movie is a prevalent modern commodity. With the development of our society and the cultural communication between western and eastern, more and more western big films have been swarming into China. Film title translation has become a hot issue in practice for China’s large-scale English film importation in recent years and the significance of film title. Film titles are often short with four or five words on the average, but film title translation is not an easy task. 

     This thesis tries to analyze the translation techniques of western film title translation from the perspective of faithfulness, expressiveness, closeness. It starts with the history of western film title translation; Then the translation principle “faithfulness, expressiveness, closeness”, put forth by Liu Zhongde, is analyzed; Next, it focuses on the functions of western film titles: Information function, cultural function, vocative function and aesthetic function; Later, it analyzes the current situation of western film titles translation; Finally, the paper tries to summarize the translation techniques commonly used in western film title translation: literal translation, liberal translation, and creative translation. 


Keywords: Film title translation; functions; techniques





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

2.1 The history of film title translation-2

2.2 The principle of faithfulness, expressiveness, closeness-3

3. Functions of Western Film titles-4

3.1 Informative function-4

3.2 Cultural function-5

3.3 Vocative function-5

3.4 Aesthetic function-6

4. Current Situation Of Western Film Title Translation-7

4.1 Confusion Caused By Region-7

4.2 Confusion Caused By Mass Media-8

4.3 Confusion Caused By Commercial Profits-9

5. Techniques of Western Film Title Translation-10

5.1 Literal translation-10

5.2 Liberal translation-11

5.3 Creative Translation-12

6. Conclusion-12

Works Cited-14

上传会员 梦溪 对本文的描述:本文试图从信达切的角度来分析西部片名翻译的技巧.本文以西部片名翻译历史为开端;然后,分析由刘重德提出的“信达切”三字翻译标准;接下来,本文着重介绍西部片名的功能:信......
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