
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-07
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Abstract: This paper focuses on a comparative study on the taboo about color between Chinese and English. First, a large number of examples are used to compare and analyze the taboo about color in red, white, black and blue between Chinese and English. Then, the reasons for the differences of taboo about color between Chinese and English are analyzed through three aspects, including religion, culture and history. This paper aims to make people of different cultural backgrounds correctly grasp the taboo on color, reduce unnecessary misunderstanding due to the differences of Chinese and western languages and cultures and make cross-cultural communication effective.

Key words: taboo; taboo on color; cross-cultural communication





1. Introduction1

2. Introduction to Taboo.1

2.1 Definition of Taboo

2.2 Function and Significance of Taboo

2.3 Introduction to Taboo on Color

3.Comparative Study on the Taboo about Color between Chinese and English3

3.1 Taboo about Red between Chinese and English 

3.2 Taboo about White between Chinese and English

3.3 Taboo about Black between Chinese and English 

3.4 Taboo about Blue between Chinese and English 

4. Reasons for the Differences of the Taboo about Color between Chinese and English7

4.1 Religion

4.2 Cultures

4.3 History

5. Conclusion



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文关注汉英颜色禁忌语的对比研究。首先通过大量实例分别对汉英语言中的红、白、黑、蓝四种颜色禁忌进行了对比分析,然后从宗教、文化与历史等三个方面分析汉英颜色禁忌差异......
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