
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract: Metaphors are pervasive in political discourses. Given that using metaphor effectively can lure supporters to their sides, politicians prefer to take advantage of conceptual metaphors to construct their political discourses, and to fulfill their aspirations. Therefore, the study of conceptual metaphors in their political discourses can help us find the trends of their political attitudes effectively. With the theoretical framework of Conceptual Metaphor Theory, this paper analyzes metaphorical expressions in Obama’s State of the Union Address in 2016 and finds out four major types of conceptual metaphors: war metaphor, journey metaphor, building metaphor, and human metaphor, and their functions in political discourse. The use of conceptual metaphor not only reduces the audience's burden in comprehension with simple concept, but also helps to arouse the audience's emotions and persuade people to accept political views and reform measures. 

Key words: conceptual metaphor; political discourse; State of the Union Address





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

2.1Political Discourse

2.2 State of the Union Address

3. Conceptual Metaphor Theory-3

3.1 The Concept of Conceptual Metaphor

3.2 Classification of Conceptual Metaphor

3.2.1 Orientational Metaphor

3.2.2 Ontological Metaphor

3.2.3 Structural Metaphor

3.3 Characteristics of Conceptual Metaphor

3.3.1 Pervasiveness

3.3.2 Systematicity

3.3.3 Cultural Variation

3.4 Conceptual Metaphor in Political Discourse

4. Conceptual Metaphor in Obama’s State of the Union Address-6

   4.1 War Metaphor

   4.2 Journey Metaphor

   4.3 Building Metaphor

   4.4 Human Metaphor

5. The Functions of Conceptual Metaphor in the State of the Union Address-12

6. Conclusion-12



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本研究以概念隐喻为理论基础,对奥巴马2016年国情咨文中使用的概念隐喻进行研究并且发现了四种主要的隐喻以及它们在政治语篇中的功能:战争隐喻、旅程隐喻、建筑隐喻和人类隐喻......
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