
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-14
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Abstract: Finished in 1667, Paradise Lost is considered as John Milton' s masterpiece. In this work, Milton uses the Latin sentence structure, vivid rhetoric devices to make the whole epic magnificent, while the poet's political ambitions, religious beliefs, and life experiences are all reflected in this long poem. This paper will connect the character of Eve in western history and literature, analyze Eve in Paradise Lost as a typical female image, and further summarize the special reasons so as to get a better understanding of the image and its relationship with the theme of the poem which can also deepen the knowledge of the literary value and practical significance of the poem.

Key words: Paradise Lost; Eve; typical female image





1. Introduction1

1.1 Introduction to John Milton

  1.2 Introduction to Paradise Lost

2. Literature Review.2  

3. Analysis of Eve as the Typical Female Image in Paradise Lost.4

  3.1 Introduction to the Image of Eve in Western History and Literature

3.2 The Double Sides of the Image

3.2.1 The Image of the Angel Eve

3.2.2 The Image of the Devil Eve

  3.3 Causes of the Double Sides

 3.3.1 The Specific Historical Background Influence

 3.3.2 Milton’ s Attitude to Female

4. Conclusion9



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:《失乐园》是约翰·弥尔顿的代表作,创作于1667年。在作品中,弥尔顿运用拉丁文式的句子结构、生动的修辞手法,使整篇史诗波澜壮阔,同时诗人的政治抱负、宗教信仰、人生苦乐都......
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