
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: The Gadfly was the first novel of Ethel Lilian Voynich’s. It was published in Britain in 1897. The Gadfly reflects the struggle between revolutionists and Austrian rulers in Italy in the 1930s. Arthur had suffered a lot through his youth, but finally he became a splendid revolutionist. When he came back to Italy, he led the revolution and sacrificed his life in the end. This paper analyzes the three stages of Arthur’s growth, in order to find the changes that Arthur grew from a religious Christian to an infidel revolutionist. This paper studies on the changes of Arthur’s appearance, character and belief on different stages and explores the reasons for these great changes. 

Key words: Ethel Lilian Voynich; The Gadfly; growth process





1. Introduction.1

1.1 Introduction to Voynich and The Gadfly.1

1.2 Literature Review1

2. Growing from a Passionate Young Man to a Revolutionist3

2.1 Arthur’s Youth.3

2.2 Arthur’s Glories.5

2.3 Arthur’s Sacrifice.9

3. Conclusions.10



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本论文主要分析了亚瑟成长变化的三个阶段,研究亚瑟从一个虔诚的基督教徒到一个无信仰的革命勇士的变化。对不同阶段的亚瑟的外貌、性格以及信仰的改变做出了研究,并且分析了......
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