
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: Along with the increase in the international business, international business negotiation has gained more and more attention. According to the theory of Politeness Principle in language communication, the politeness principle should be followed in international business negotiations. And the appropriate language strategies should be adopted in the process of negotiation. However, many researchers on the pragmatic strategies in international business negotiations still linger on the theory of the language use or the importance of the pragmatic strategies. Few scholars analyzed the phenomenon of language misuse in the process of a specific international business negotiation. Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the flexible use of euphemism, humorous language, vague language and questioning in the Politeness Principle based on a conversational data of a specific negotiation between China Corporation and Nigeria Corporation. The tactful of those strategies could guarantee the success of international business negotiation. Studying the pragmatic functions of these languages can provide reference information for negotiators, so as to improve the efficiency of the negotiations and to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win situation.

Key words: international business negotiation; pragmatic strategies; case analysis





1. Introduction.1

1.1 International Business Negotiation

1.2 The Politeness Principle

2. Pragmatic Strategy2

2.1 Definition

2.2 Classification

3. Case Analysis6

3.1 Euphemism

3.2 Humor

3.3 Vagueness

3.4 Questioning

4. The Importance of Pragmatic Strategy in Negotiation.9

5. Conclusion10



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文通过对具体某次中外商务谈判实际案例进行话语分析,巧妙运用礼貌策略、幽默策略、委婉策略、模糊策略以及提问策略等有效提高了国际商务谈判的成功机率。通过研究这些语言......
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