
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:白鲸 更新时间:2017-11-15
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Abstract: In daily communication, vagueness plays an important role in all aspects of human language. Over the years, researchers from home and abroad studied vagueness from different aspects, and they have made great contribution to this subject. However, studies focusing on vague language in public speeches are quite limited. The Adaptation Theory, which analyzes linguistic phenomenon from mental, social and physical perspective, is widely considered as a systematic theory for pragmatic study. Hence, based on the Adaptation Theory, this paper tries to analyze vague language and its pragmatic functions used in Obama’s weekly address at the same time it exposes how the vague expressions are used. The study shows that there are three main pragmatic functions of vague language in Obama’s weekly addresses: self-protection, showing politeness, and achieving flexibility.

Key words: vague language; public speech; pragmatic function; adaptation theory





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-2

3. Theoretical Framework-3

3.1 Development of Adaptation Theory-3

3.2 Adaptation to Communicate Context.-3

3.2.1 Spiritual World-3

3.2.2 Social Protocols -4

3.2.3 Objective World-4

4. Analysis of Vagueness in Obama’s Weekly Address-4

4.1 Adapting to Mental World-4

4.1.1 Modal Verbs-4

4.1.2 Parallel Structure-5

4.2 Adapting to Social World-6

4.2.1 Abstract Vague Words-6

4.2.2 “Small Vague Words”-7

4.3 Adapting to Physical World-7

4.3.1 Vague Temporal Deixis-7

4.3.2 Vague Quantifiers-8

4.4 Functions of Vagueness in Obama’s Weekly Address-8

4.4.1 Self- protecting-9

4.4.2 Flexibility-9

4.4.3 Politeness-10

5. Conclusion-11



上传会员 白鲸 对本文的描述:本文将试着借助顺应理论,从语用学角度,研究奥巴马每周演讲中的模糊语言特点及其语用功能。最后, 总结出奥巴马每周演讲中模糊语言的三个主要功能:自我保护、表示礼貌、保持灵......
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