
资料分类:英语论文 上传会员:小猪猪 更新时间:2017-11-20
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Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 The Background of This Thesis-1

1.2 The Significance of This Thesis-1

1.3 The Layout of This Thesis-1

Chapter Two Literature Review-3

2.1 Introduction to Name Translation-3

2.2 Previous Studies on Name Translation-3

2.3 The Main Cultural Factors Affecting the Name Translation-4

2.3.1 History-4

2.3.2 Thinking-5

2.3.3 Custom-6

Chapter Three Culture Analysis on the Methods for Name Translation-7

3.1 Transliteration-7

3.2 Free Translation-8

3.3 Annotated Transliteration-9

3.4 The Combination of Transliteration and Free Translation-10

Chapter Four Conclusion-11




Name is the code for people. Usually we get to know someone from his or her name. Name translation is very important in cross-cultural communication, since names contain aboundant cultural information of different nations. So name translation is not a simple transmission of pronunciation, we should pay attention to the connotation behind names.

This thesis will analyse the factors affecting name translation from cross-cultural perspective, such as history, social background, and thinking. Then the thesis presents the following translation methods: transliteration, free translation, annotated transliteration, and the combination of transliteration and free translation. Translators should use different translation methods and strategies to adjust to different cultures. This thesis is aimed to make an effort to standardize the name translation and spread the culture in a better way.


Keywords:  name translation   cross-cultural communication   translation methods

上传会员 小猪猪 对本文的描述:本文从跨文化交际活动角度分析了影响人名翻译的因素如:历史文化,社会背景,思维方式等。同时指出应根据具体情况分别使用不同的翻译方法如:音译,意译,音译加注,音译意译......
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